mika_ added 1 item to Read in 2016 list
"In the beginning was silence, womb of all words which all words seek, mother of these: breath of my life. How or when the first word sprang thence hither, I'll never know, nor why. Does it really matter? Perhaps sound is only an insanity of silence, a mad gibber of empty space grown fearful of listening to itself and hearing nothing. Thus are we madmen all. Or perhaps we are silence talking in her sleep, perhaps we are a long nightmare of silence as she thrashes in torment on her downy bed. And when she wakes? Idle speculations of an eleven-year-old soul, brooding on whence and whither. Edwin once agreed with me that the ideal order of words on a page creates in the ideal reader an ideal silence; thus words regain their mother; and all the shrill noises of adulation are nothing to an artist but evidences of his imperfection."
"Genius...is the retention of the capacity to be obsessed."
"'I aspire to the condition of fiction.'"
8 years, 1 month ago
mika_ rated The Chemical Wedding by Christian Rosencreutz: A Romance in Eight Days by Johann Valentin Andreae in a New Version by John Crowley
8 years, 2 months ago
mika_ added 1 item to Read in 2016 list
Excerpt from "Mare Imbrium"
"After so many spells, the only language
is the fire of a person."
Excerpt from "Triage"
"When there is no more life,
step outside. Peel away the human."
"Malady of the Bird"
"If it has flown, then it knows
God tore the world,
and the space between heaven and earth
is in shreds, and the question of living
deep in the hollering sun,
or homing the spas near heaven,
or living at all, not wanting to live
on earth as it is, is tense.
And if it has flown, it has peered
down at the thing called rock, and felt stilled
by the rock's longevity, and has flown
with a fear in its eye of longevity,
peering again, asking, Why, God, is it still,
closing the eye and feeling divided,
like the flying lizard of myth,
cut off, afloat, doffing skin after skin,
a Jerusalem heart, exposed."
8 years, 3 months ago
mika_ added 1 item to Read in 2016 list
"Doubt is what allows a single gesture to have a heart."
"'Heart, come along and be as heartless
as you know you are.'"
"Love is the movement towards perfection."
8 years, 3 months ago
mika_ added 10 items to their collection
8 years, 3 months ago
mika_ added 1 item to Read in 2016 list
Excerpt from "The Song"
"I am the wind that blows and dies out in dark waters,
I am the wind going and not returning,
a milkweed pollen on the black meadows of the world."
Excerpt from "Heraclitus"
"Particular existence keeps us from the light"
Excerpt from "Greek Portrait"
"I keep quiet as is proper
For a man who has learned that the human heart
Holds more than speech does."
Excerpt from "At Dawn"
"Only this moment at dawn is real to me.
The bygone lives are like my own past life, uncertain.
I cast a spell on the city asking it to last."
8 years, 3 months ago
mika_ added 1 item to Read in 2016 list
"'And then she asked me: "How will you and your husband prove your love for each other when you can't remember the past you've shared?" And I've been thinking about it ever since.'"
8 years, 3 months ago
mika_ added 1 item to Read in 2016 list
"To feel anything
deranges you. To be seen
feeling anything strips you
naked. In the grip of it
pleasure or pain doesnโt
matter. You think what
will they do what new
power will they acquire if
they see me naked like
this. If they see you
feeling. You have no idea
what. Itโs not about them.
To be seen is the penalty."
8 years, 4 months ago